When is web created with BizWebs deactivated?
Service BizWebs can be tested 15 days for free. To make your website worked after these 15 days just pick up one of the packages: BizWebs FREE, BizWebs STARTER, BizWebs BUSINESS, BizWebs PREMIUM if you are looking something really simple for the start.
Package of services you can order on page START in administration of your web (click on "Order website")
or fill in the order form.
After ordering service, the package comes with your e-mail pro-form invoice. For the payment, you have 15 days in which you can continue by testing the service BizWebs.
In case you didn't fill billing information, will come an e-mail with notice to filling the data. If you still don't fill the information your website will be deactivated.
If you typed non-exist e-mail during the creation of the website, we will deactivate your web immediately. You can create a new website as soon as you fill in existing e-mail.