How to work with e-mails?
How to Add / Edit e-mail box:
Go to section Settings / E-mails / Accounts.
Click rightwards on top on icon New account.
Into E-mail address place the email address you would like to use on your domain (not possible to change it additionally). As Forward messages use an email account you already use a different name (e.g. email account would be one that you create for free use Gmail). Opens a form where to fill in your data:
Setting of senders and receivers of notification messages
In this part, you can set Senders of some kind of notification messages. There are: Order processing, After registration, Newsletter, Invoice and All other messages.
- Go to section Settings / E-mails / Senders
- Choose the message where you want to change sender's e-mail.
- Fill in the e-mail address and sender name and save.
- In a message, your customer will receive shows this name and e-mail you filled in.
- In this section set e-mail boxes where your notification messages will be sent. You can choose from Order summary, Registration validation, Comment validation, New comment.
- Go to section Setting / E-mails / Receivers
- Create New receiver with an icon
(upper rightwards).
- Fill in an e-mail address, where will be the messages sent.
- Choose which messages will be sent (can be all of them).
- Save